Life has kept me fairly busy between surviving pandemics, keeping up with my writing schedule, and general plans of world conquering…You know how it is.

There’s also been bread baking.

Thought I’d make a quick post of some general updates, because, what could be more exciting? That’s right. Nothing could be more exciting. 


“Lies, Knives, and Apples” (Book 0) is living free in the wilds of the interwebs and stuffed bookshelves. 

“Truth and Other Lies” (Book 1) is releasing October 9, and should be getting a cover fairly soon. (Although, I’m quite fond of generic banners and bland text myself)

And next week I start revising book 2 while book 1 gets a good and professional polish…

Needless to say, things are cooking.

And speaking of cooking, here’s a pretty amazing “Pizza Pocket” recipe for some comfort food. Because we all need comfort food right about now. 

Stay safe and enjoy!

2 Responses

  1. Very exciting! Just picked up “Lies…” and loved it. Really looking forward to the new novel. Will you release that in paperback as well? I’m a creature of habit, love having an actual book in my hands 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad to know you loved it! That makes my day. 😀 YES! All books will be released in paperback as well as ebook. Like you, I also love the feel of holding a real book in my hands. You just can’t beat it. I hope you enjoy “Truth and Other Lies.” 🙂